Female client with female pattern baldness smiling after enhancer system was fitted

“From the day I had my first system my life changed completely.”

Amanda, age 53

Amanda has coped with the psychological impact of hair loss since childhood and wants to share the transformation the Enhancer System has made to her hair and her confidence.

“As a child I’d always had thin hair that never grew.”

I looked like a boy and would become so upset when I went swimming and the staff would give me a key for the boys changing room forcing me to explain that I was a girl. I used to put towels on my head and imagine I had long hair and my mum would laugh at me but I just wanted hair like my sisters who all had thick long hair that I completely envied.

Before going to Hair Solved I had tried thickening shampoos and hair extensions; which over time caused my hair to become even thinner and also to break. Finally, to make matters worse my hair became much thinner due to being pre-menopausal. It was so distressing as I did not like how I looked.

“When I got to the stage of having to look at other options my confidence was at an all-time low.”

I stopped going out except to work. I stopped doing things with my children. Swimming, which I loved, was a big ‘no’ and my best friend was a can of hairspray to stop what hair I had from moving. My hair loss had progressed so much I decided I needed to find a more effective solution. I came across the Hair Solved website and was completely intrigued by something that looked so natural.

“From the day I had my first system my life changed completely.”

My confidence came back and I started to have a social life. I could once again attend meetings for work which I used to cancel as I felt everyone was staring at me and laughing. The day after my first system was fitted, I went swimming with my sister, niece and nephew! It was completely life changing for me as I was only one step away from becoming agoraphobic.

“I have been going to hair solved for 10 years.”  

I do feel even ten years later that there is a stigma attached to female hair loss, so I want to tell my story to anyone who is struggling with their own hair issues. Since having my first system I feel how I always wanted to feel even as a child. My hair system has completely changed me, and I wouldn’t be who I am today without it. I feel feminine and attractive for the first time in my life and I do everything I want to as I am proud of how I look and proud to wear the system.

It has given me the confidence to support other women suffering with their hair issues. I don’t hide the fact that I wear the system and am happy to talk to people and explain how it works and how it restored my confidence. The Enhancer System feels comfortable and I feel it is part of me and not an addition to me. I treat it as if it were my own hair and enjoy trying different styles, I wear it down, straight, curly and I can put it up.

“It’s my turn to help other women experiencing the devastating impact of hair loss.”

 It makes me the happy, bubbly person I always wanted to be – but was embarrassed to be. I wanted to share my story as I have a need to reach out to all women who need support and guidance when coping with hair loss. So, thank you, Hair Solved, for introducing me to the system which in turn has allowed me to help other women like me.

Read more about Female Pattern Baldness

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