“I think there is a stigma attached to female hair loss. It is acceptable for a man to be bald, but much less so for a woman to be bald. A woman wants to be feminine and you don’t feel feminine when you haven’t got any hair.”
A combination of hair conditions led Dominique to look for a permanent solution to her hair loss. Dominque has been a client at Hair Solved Manchester since March 2018. Prior to this she had tried hair extensions but found they didn’t work because of the texture of her hair and the hair loss being on the crown of her head.
As Dominque explains: “I had a hysterectomy a few years ago and I had an early menopause coupled with an under-active thyroid which caused mayhem with my hair. This has been made worse by something known as ‘acquired progressive kinking of the hair’. The whole texture of my changed. It wasn’t just that my hair thinned it became very wiry and this was almost as upsetting as the thinning. It is caused by hormonal changes and it affects the texture of the hair, so it is like a man’s hair; wiry and thicker.
I woke up one day and I realised I had hardly any hair I went to my Doctor, but they are not interested, all they say is your hair goes thinner as you get older. But my hair was becoming thinner and thinner, then I woke up one day and I realised I had hardly any hair and It was just horrible. I started to feel that I was more like a man than a woman. I felt uncomfortable, didn’t like how I looked and felt a bit depressed.
I knew I had to look for a solution to my hair loss and after searching online I came across Hair Solved Manchester. I couldn’t believe it because I live around the corner from the Manchester Salon, so I booked in for a consultation.” Right from the first fitting Dominque knew it was the right solution for her. “I was always fairly confident but my hair loss did affect me because my job is very customer facing, I started feeling quite awkward. It didn’t affect the way I was working but I was conscious of how I looked and definitely felt more self- conscious. I often wore a hat; I even bought a wig but that was just awful, and I thought I can’t wear a wig it is going to fall off.
But since having the system I feel like a woman again, I love it. I decided to choose the maintenance plan because it is easier that way. It is nice to know whatever I need is covered. I go every week to get it washed because I want to look after it nicely and I go every four weeks to get it tightened. I just feel really nice with hair again! It makes you look totally different.”
I think there is a stigma attached to female hair loss It is acceptable for a man to be bald, but it is less socially acceptable for a woman to be bald. A woman wants to be feminine. You don’t feel feminine when you haven’t got any hair. Since having the system, I feel I have been able to focus on my health and I enjoy getting dressed up and going out with friends. It also looks very natural and not at all like a wig.
The girls at the Manchester Salon are so nice, funny and friendly it creates such a wonderful atmosphere. It makes it feel like you aren’t just going to any old hair salon and that it is special to you which is really nice.”