young client with Alopecia happy to go back to school with natural looking enhancer system

“It affected my confidence because I started getting more shy.”

Olivia, age 13

Hair loss is difficult to cope with at any age, but as you can imagine, being the only girl at school with alopecia has been especially hard for Olivia.

“It affected my confidence because I started getting more shy.”

“I didn’t want to tell my friends what was happening because I didn’t know how they would react. I just kept it to myself and that lowered my self-esteem.
I was the only person in my school with this condition.”

Olivia’s hair was mostly coming out at the sides, so she started to use hair bands to conceal her bald patches. However, her school didn’t allow her to wear hair bands for gym classes and insisted she put her hair in a ponytail. This caused Olivia a lot of anxiety because it made her hair loss particularly noticeable.

For a while the only solution being offered to Olivia was a wig, but that didn’t feel right for her as a teenage girl. So Olivia’s mum took up the search for a better solution and this led her to Hair Solved.

A free consultation with our hair loss specialist gave Olivia and her mum the chance to ask lots of questions about the system – and a few weeks later Olivia had her bespoke Enhancer System fitted.

“It’s so much better than a wig. It feels a lot better because you don’t have to take it off. Some boys at school actually pull at it for fun… as a joke. If it was a wig it would actually come off, but if they pull my hair it doesn’t do anything.”

I feel better now because I have told my closest friends, it is such a relief now I have done that because I am not keeping a big secret anymore and they are really supportive.”

Like any young person, Olivia wants to enjoy life to the full – and her Enhancer System doesn’t hold her back!

“I put it in a ponytail and wash it like normal hair. I love swimming and when we went on holiday I went in the pool… and at the beach I went into the ocean.”

Read more about Alopecia

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