Michelle, Hair Solved Manchester Client

“It affected every aspect of my daily life. I felt very self-conscious of my thin hair and didn’t feel feminine or confident at all.”

Michelle, age 53

Michelle’s story is one of new-found confidence and femininity.

Here she shares her thoughts on life before, and after, her Hair Solved Enhancer System. 

“I look in the mirror and feel confident, feminine and for the first time in my life completely happy with everything about me. I receive so many compliments from family and friends that I look so much younger and exude confidence.”

This is how Michelle feels today, a couple of years after having her bespoke Enhancer System fitted at Hair Solved. Prior to that, she really struggled with life as a woman with Female Pattern Baldness.

It is the most common type of female hair loss and typically presents itself as thinning at the crown of the head. Most women affected are over 65, but because it is caused by a number of genetic and hormonal factors, it also affects women when they’re younger, as it did Michelle.

“I thought it was something that only happened to older women, so I was surprised when I found out I had it when I was in my 40s.”

Michelle always had thin hair, but the condition got progressively worse as an adult. The more her hair thinned, the more unhappy she felt about the way she looked.

“I would get dressed in the morning and as soon as I looked in the mirror, I would feel disappointed. I never felt my appearance was good and it was really getting me down. I even started to avoid people and stay at home more because I know there is a stigma attached to hair loss and some people stare at you or judge you.”

Then, in 2021, Hair Solved came to Michelle’s attention when a colleague sought our expertise after losing her hair as a result of cancer treatment.

“A friend from work who had breast cancer and suffered hair loss due to chemotherapy went to Hair Solved. Seeing the results and how good her new hair looked inspired me to book an appointment.”

Being fitted with her bespoke Enhancer System transformed Michelle’s outlook on life.

“I have bags more confidence now. I can stand up in front of people at work for presentations and to run training sessions. My dress sense has changed too. I used to wear dark colours, now I love wearing bright, colourful outfits that reflect how I’m feeling.”

What Michelle found most surprising about the system is how natural it feels.

“I was worried at first people would think it was a wig. But the feel and texture of the hair is lovely and natural. I love how easy it is to wash and dry. The system isn’t damaging my natural hair. It is very cleverly working with it to enhance what I’ve got. It has enhanced a lot of things in my life!”

Female Pattern Baldness

We are so grateful to Michelle for sharing her story and if you would like to find out more about Female Pattern Baldness and how the system can help you can visit our informative Hair Loss Causes Page.